The Winter issue of WynterGreene, exploring non-Wiccan Pagan traditions is now available! Our Guest Editor for this issue is Ceri Young.
Cover Art
"Diversity" by Lauren Foster-MacLeod
Feature Articles
"Baltic Paganism: A Community-Centred Faith" by Marija Kuncaitis
"From Night to Day and Day to Night: The Everyday Mysteries of Celtic Reconstructionism" by Sín Sonnach
"Raising the Name: Druidic Ancestral Magic" by Brendan Myers
Perspectives Articles
"Fellowship of Isis: Une organisation internationale multi-religieuse consacrée à la Déesse" par Isis Shakti
Community Focus
Reclaiming Tradition in Montreal
Book Reviews
Women’s Rites, Women’s Mysteries (Ruth Barrett)
The Paganism Reader (Chas Clifton and Graham Harvey, eds)
Ecoholic (Adria Vasil)
Regular Columns and Features
"All Roads: A Short Story Serial" by Talyesin
"Olympe" par Atalante Pythie
Local and Canadian News
Listings and Festivals
Individual issues and subscriptions may be purchased online at:
Current issues of WynterGreene may be purchased at the following locations:
Charme et Sortilège, 4933 de Grand-PréMontreal, Qc
Coop La Maison Verte, 5785 Sherbrooke W, NDG (Montreal), Qc
Le Mélange Magique, 1928 Ste-Catherine W, Montreal, Qc
Little Mysteries Bookstore, Halifax, NS
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Winter Issue Update
We are currently putting the finishing touches on our Winter issue. The issue is themed Beyond Wicca and it examines non-Wiccan Pagan traditions. Most of the submissions that we received actually centred around reconstructionist traditions, making us wonder if we shouldn't have called it, The Reconstruction Issue!
The issues is in the final stages of production and should be out in stores and mailboxes shortly after Yule.
The issues is in the final stages of production and should be out in stores and mailboxes shortly after Yule.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Autumn Issue is in Stores!
The autumn issue of WynterGreene, focussing in on the theme Prayer, is now in stores. We are also pleased to announce that this issue of WynterGreene was printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper by a print-shop in Montreal specialising in environmentally- and socially-responsibly printing, Mardigrafe. As well, the paper used for the cover (Mohawk) was produced in a factory that uses wind-generated electricity, and the paper used for the inside pages of the magazine (Cascades DP100) was produced using energy generated from biogas (basically recaptured gas from compost). Enjoy!
Cover Art
"Water Fall" by Annika Diehl
Feature Articles
"Magical Thinking: The Seven of Cups" by Cheryl Lynne Bradley
"To Pray or To Cast: Exploring the Differences Between Prayer and Magic" by Taras
"Personal Prayer Beads: Meditation and Magic" by Ceri Young
"A Web in the Weaving: A Brief Overview of the History of Wicca in Canada (Part 2)" by Amanda Strong
Perspectives Articles
"The Infinity of my Burning Heart: Reflections on How I Pray" by Archer
Community Focus
Niagara Voodoo Shrine
Book Reviews
Tarot of Jane Austen Kit (Diane Wilke and Lola Airaghi)
Celtic Prayers and Incantations (Alexander Carmichael)
Devotional Dance DVD (T. Thorn Coyle)
Sweat Your Prayers (Gabrielle Roth)
All About Chakras (Lily Rooman)
Regular Columns and Features
"Parlons Païens" par Coral
"All Roads: A Short Story Serial" by Talyesin
"Olympe" par Atalante Pythie
Local and Canadian News
Listings and Festivals
Individual issues and subscriptions may be purchased online at:
Current issues of WynterGreene may be purchased at the following locations:
Charme et Sortilège, 4933 de Grand-PréMontreal, Qc
Coop La Maison Verte, 5785 Sherbrooke W, NDG (Montreal), Qc
Le Mélange Magique, 1928 Ste-Catherine W, Montreal, Qc
Little Mysteries Bookstore, Halifax, NS
Cover Art
"Water Fall" by Annika Diehl
Feature Articles
"Magical Thinking: The Seven of Cups" by Cheryl Lynne Bradley
"To Pray or To Cast: Exploring the Differences Between Prayer and Magic" by Taras
"Personal Prayer Beads: Meditation and Magic" by Ceri Young
"A Web in the Weaving: A Brief Overview of the History of Wicca in Canada (Part 2)" by Amanda Strong
Perspectives Articles
"The Infinity of my Burning Heart: Reflections on How I Pray" by Archer
Community Focus
Niagara Voodoo Shrine
Book Reviews
Tarot of Jane Austen Kit (Diane Wilke and Lola Airaghi)
Celtic Prayers and Incantations (Alexander Carmichael)
Devotional Dance DVD (T. Thorn Coyle)
Sweat Your Prayers (Gabrielle Roth)
All About Chakras (Lily Rooman)
Regular Columns and Features
"Parlons Païens" par Coral
"All Roads: A Short Story Serial" by Talyesin
"Olympe" par Atalante Pythie
Local and Canadian News
Listings and Festivals
Individual issues and subscriptions may be purchased online at:
Current issues of WynterGreene may be purchased at the following locations:
Charme et Sortilège, 4933 de Grand-PréMontreal, Qc
Coop La Maison Verte, 5785 Sherbrooke W, NDG (Montreal), Qc
Le Mélange Magique, 1928 Ste-Catherine W, Montreal, Qc
Little Mysteries Bookstore, Halifax, NS
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Exchange Binders Updated
The WynterGreene exchange binders, graciously housed at the Montreal Pagan Resource Centre (MPRC) for your perusing pleasure, have been updated!
What are the exchange binders, you ask? Basically WynterGreene exchanges with other Pagan and alternative spirituality magazines. This means that we send them copies of WynterGreene and they send us copies of their publication(s). It's a way for magazine editors and publishers to see what each other are doing and to share ideas. It seemed a shame for all these wonderful magazines to languish on the personal bookshelves of our Managing Editor, so the MPRC offered to hold onto them for us and make them available to visitors for on-site consultation.
WynterGreene currently exchanges with:
The Blessed Bee
Sage Woman
New Witch
The PFPC newsletter
In the past we've exchanged with:
Witan / Wiccan Candles (ceased publishing)
Moonlit Muse (ceased publishing)
Paganet News (now online)
All of these are available in binders at the MPRC. If you don't see them, ask a volunteer. The binders are usually on the bookshelf nearest the volunteer desk.
What are the exchange binders, you ask? Basically WynterGreene exchanges with other Pagan and alternative spirituality magazines. This means that we send them copies of WynterGreene and they send us copies of their publication(s). It's a way for magazine editors and publishers to see what each other are doing and to share ideas. It seemed a shame for all these wonderful magazines to languish on the personal bookshelves of our Managing Editor, so the MPRC offered to hold onto them for us and make them available to visitors for on-site consultation.
WynterGreene currently exchanges with:
The Blessed Bee
Sage Woman
New Witch
The PFPC newsletter
In the past we've exchanged with:
Witan / Wiccan Candles (ceased publishing)
Moonlit Muse (ceased publishing)
Paganet News (now online)
All of these are available in binders at the MPRC. If you don't see them, ask a volunteer. The binders are usually on the bookshelf nearest the volunteer desk.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Theme for Spring 2008
Spring 2008: Men’s Mysteries
Guest Editor: Taras
Gender roles within North American society are changing, and these changes are reflected in NeoPaganism. Among all the discussion of Mother Earth and Goddess energy, where does the God fit in? Is there a specific role for men within NeoPaganism? Is there a difference between male and female energy? What are the unique or distinguishing characteristics of male energy? How is that energy used? What responsibilities does a man have toward other men, women, society, and himself?
Deadline for submissions and reserving advertising space: January 15, 2008
Printemps 2008: Les Mystères de l’homme
Editeur invité: Taras
Les rôles masculins/féminins de l’Amérique du Nord changent, et ces changements se reflètent dans le NeoPaganisme. Parmi les discussions sur la Mère Terre et l’énergie de la Déesse, où Dieu s’y retrouve-t-il ? Y a-t-il un rôle spécifique pour l’homme à l’intérieur du NeoPaganisme ? Y a-t-il une différence entre l’énergie masculine et féminine ? Quelles sont les caractéristiques uniques ou distinctes de l’énergie mâle ? Comment cette énergie est-elle utilisée ? Quelles responsabilités a un homme vis-à-vis les autres hommes, femmes, sociétés et lui-même ?
Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 janvier 2008
Guest Editor: Taras
Gender roles within North American society are changing, and these changes are reflected in NeoPaganism. Among all the discussion of Mother Earth and Goddess energy, where does the God fit in? Is there a specific role for men within NeoPaganism? Is there a difference between male and female energy? What are the unique or distinguishing characteristics of male energy? How is that energy used? What responsibilities does a man have toward other men, women, society, and himself?
Deadline for submissions and reserving advertising space: January 15, 2008
Printemps 2008: Les Mystères de l’homme
Editeur invité: Taras
Les rôles masculins/féminins de l’Amérique du Nord changent, et ces changements se reflètent dans le NeoPaganisme. Parmi les discussions sur la Mère Terre et l’énergie de la Déesse, où Dieu s’y retrouve-t-il ? Y a-t-il un rôle spécifique pour l’homme à l’intérieur du NeoPaganisme ? Y a-t-il une différence entre l’énergie masculine et féminine ? Quelles sont les caractéristiques uniques ou distinctes de l’énergie mâle ? Comment cette énergie est-elle utilisée ? Quelles responsabilités a un homme vis-à-vis les autres hommes, femmes, sociétés et lui-même ?
Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 janvier 2008
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Harvest Issue Underway
The process of putting together the Harvest 2007 issue has begun. Thank you to everyone who sent something in for this issue. The submissions that we've received have been sent out to copy editors for editing and to illustrators for artwork. We have a nice cross-section of articles for the issue, however once again we seem to be lacking in french content. When I realised that our french content would be lean, I tried to get permission to translate a section on prayer from a popular english book on Wicca, but I have yet to receive a response from the publishing house. I'm hoping an approval comes in soon, otherwise I'll have a hole that I'll be scambling to fill next week!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Winter 2008 Theme: Beyond Wicca
Winter 2008: Beyond Wicca
Guest Editor: Ceri Young
Wicca is the branch of the NeoPagan tree that gets the most press, but it's far from being the tree itself. So what other traditions are out there? What common ground do all these paths share? How does the community work and how should it work? What's our history and what's our future? How does society as a whole view NeoPagans? If you have an article or idea, we want to hear from you!
Deadline for submissions and advertising: October 15, 2007
Hiver 2008: Au delà de la Wicca
Editrice invitée: Ceri Young
Wicca est la branche néo-païenne de l'arbre qui est le plus médiatisé, mais c'est loin d'être l'arbre lui-même. Quelles autres traditions en font parties? Quel point commun tous ces chemins partagent-ils? Comment fonctionne la communauté et comment devrait-elle fonctionner? Quel est notre histoire et quel est notre futur? Comment la société en général voit-elle les Néo-Païens? Si vous avez un article ou une idée, nous voulons entendre parler de vous!
Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 Octobre 2007
Guest Editor: Ceri Young
Wicca is the branch of the NeoPagan tree that gets the most press, but it's far from being the tree itself. So what other traditions are out there? What common ground do all these paths share? How does the community work and how should it work? What's our history and what's our future? How does society as a whole view NeoPagans? If you have an article or idea, we want to hear from you!
Deadline for submissions and advertising: October 15, 2007
Hiver 2008: Au delà de la Wicca
Editrice invitée: Ceri Young
Wicca est la branche néo-païenne de l'arbre qui est le plus médiatisé, mais c'est loin d'être l'arbre lui-même. Quelles autres traditions en font parties? Quel point commun tous ces chemins partagent-ils? Comment fonctionne la communauté et comment devrait-elle fonctionner? Quel est notre histoire et quel est notre futur? Comment la société en général voit-elle les Néo-Païens? Si vous avez un article ou une idée, nous voulons entendre parler de vous!
Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 Octobre 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Summer Issue is Out
The Summer 2007 issue, themed Wicca, is back from the printers and is currently being distributed to subscribers and distributors.
Contents this issue include:
Le Langage Wicca: Établir une Pratique Francophone de la Tradition
par Mylene
A Web in the Weaving: A Brief Overview of the History of Wicca in Canada
By Amanda Strong
Wicca on the Rise: Exploring the Popularity of Wicca
By Rosanne Séguin
Pagan Chaplaincy: Profile of Pagan Pastoral Outreach
By Ceri Young
Coven Versus Solitary: A Personal Perspective
By Brenda
What is Wicca?Perspectives From Our Community
Top Picks: Discovering and Deepening Wiccan Practice
1) Creating Circles and Ceremonies
2) Between the Worlds: Readings in Contemporary Neopaganism
Contents this issue include:
Le Langage Wicca: Établir une Pratique Francophone de la Tradition
par Mylene
A Web in the Weaving: A Brief Overview of the History of Wicca in Canada
By Amanda Strong
Wicca on the Rise: Exploring the Popularity of Wicca
By Rosanne Séguin
Pagan Chaplaincy: Profile of Pagan Pastoral Outreach
By Ceri Young
Coven Versus Solitary: A Personal Perspective
By Brenda
What is Wicca?Perspectives From Our Community
Top Picks: Discovering and Deepening Wiccan Practice
1) Creating Circles and Ceremonies
2) Between the Worlds: Readings in Contemporary Neopaganism
Friday, June 15, 2007
Submissions for Autumn 2007 Issue
WynterGreene is welcoming submissions for our Fall/Harvest issue themed"Prayer".
Prayer. What does it mean to pray? Is prayer a part of contemporary Paganpractice? Many of us meditate or have some sort of daily practice, but isthis prayer? What about rituals and songs of gratitude? Spells? Poetry andart? How is Pagan prayer different or similar to prayer in other world religions? What does prayer mean to you and your practice? If you have an article or idea, we want to hear from you!
Email us at info(at) . Deadline for submissions andadvertising: July 15, 2007
WynterGreene cherche des sousmission pour notre numero d'Automne: Prière.
Prière. Que veut dire prier? La prière fait elle partie d'une pratiquepaïenne contemporaine? Plusieurs d'entre nous méditons ou avons toutessortes de Pratiques quotidiennes, mais est-ce prier? Qu'en est-il desrituels ou chants de gratitudes? Sorts? Poésie et art? Comment la prièrepaïenne diffère-t-elle d'une prière similaire d'une autre religion du monde? Que représente la prière pour vous et votre pratique? Si vous avez unarticle ou une idée, nous voulons entendre parler de vous!
Contactez-nous à info(at) . Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 Juillet 2007
Prayer. What does it mean to pray? Is prayer a part of contemporary Paganpractice? Many of us meditate or have some sort of daily practice, but isthis prayer? What about rituals and songs of gratitude? Spells? Poetry andart? How is Pagan prayer different or similar to prayer in other world religions? What does prayer mean to you and your practice? If you have an article or idea, we want to hear from you!
Email us at info(at) . Deadline for submissions andadvertising: July 15, 2007
WynterGreene cherche des sousmission pour notre numero d'Automne: Prière.
Prière. Que veut dire prier? La prière fait elle partie d'une pratiquepaïenne contemporaine? Plusieurs d'entre nous méditons ou avons toutessortes de Pratiques quotidiennes, mais est-ce prier? Qu'en est-il desrituels ou chants de gratitudes? Sorts? Poésie et art? Comment la prièrepaïenne diffère-t-elle d'une prière similaire d'une autre religion du monde? Que représente la prière pour vous et votre pratique? Si vous avez unarticle ou une idée, nous voulons entendre parler de vous!
Contactez-nous à info(at) . Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 Juillet 2007
Revised Advertising Sizes and Rates
After two years with no change, we have revised our ad sizes and rates.
For our new rates and deadlines please contact us. We expect to have the revised information up on the advertising pages of our website soon.
For our new rates and deadlines please contact us. We expect to have the revised information up on the advertising pages of our website soon.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Subscriptions and Back Issues Through PayPal
WynterGreene has signed on to PayPal. You can now purchase subscriptions and recent back issues online using your credit card or PayPal account:
For back issues prior to 2007, please email us to find out if they are available. If we have them, we will ship them to you, and you still have the option of paying either through PayPal or regular mail and a cheque or money order.
You can contact us at:
info (at) wyntergreene (dot) ca
For back issues prior to 2007, please email us to find out if they are available. If we have them, we will ship them to you, and you still have the option of paying either through PayPal or regular mail and a cheque or money order.
You can contact us at:
info (at) wyntergreene (dot) ca
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