WynterGreene is welcoming submissions for our Fall/Harvest issue themed"Prayer".
Prayer. What does it mean to pray? Is prayer a part of contemporary Paganpractice? Many of us meditate or have some sort of daily practice, but isthis prayer? What about rituals and songs of gratitude? Spells? Poetry andart? How is Pagan prayer different or similar to prayer in other world religions? What does prayer mean to you and your practice? If you have an article or idea, we want to hear from you!
Email us at info(at)wyntergreene.ca . Deadline for submissions andadvertising: July 15, 2007
WynterGreene cherche des sousmission pour notre numero d'Automne: Prière.
Prière. Que veut dire prier? La prière fait elle partie d'une pratiquepaïenne contemporaine? Plusieurs d'entre nous méditons ou avons toutessortes de Pratiques quotidiennes, mais est-ce prier? Qu'en est-il desrituels ou chants de gratitudes? Sorts? Poésie et art? Comment la prièrepaïenne diffère-t-elle d'une prière similaire d'une autre religion du monde? Que représente la prière pour vous et votre pratique? Si vous avez unarticle ou une idée, nous voulons entendre parler de vous!
Contactez-nous à info(at)wyntergreene.ca . Date limite des soumissions et publicités: le 15 Juillet 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Revised Advertising Sizes and Rates
After two years with no change, we have revised our ad sizes and rates.
For our new rates and deadlines please contact us. We expect to have the revised information up on the advertising pages of our website soon.
For our new rates and deadlines please contact us. We expect to have the revised information up on the advertising pages of our website soon.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Subscriptions and Back Issues Through PayPal
WynterGreene has signed on to PayPal. You can now purchase subscriptions and recent back issues online using your credit card or PayPal account:
For back issues prior to 2007, please email us to find out if they are available. If we have them, we will ship them to you, and you still have the option of paying either through PayPal or regular mail and a cheque or money order.
You can contact us at:
info (at) wyntergreene (dot) ca
For back issues prior to 2007, please email us to find out if they are available. If we have them, we will ship them to you, and you still have the option of paying either through PayPal or regular mail and a cheque or money order.
You can contact us at:
info (at) wyntergreene (dot) ca
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